Hi, and welcome to A Profound Process, the official Adaptation fanlisting!
Last Updated: 30 September 2004
A fanlisting is a way for all fans of a particular thing to come together, regardless of location or whether they own a website -- this is why we ask for your country with your listing.
September 30, 2004: It has been way too long since I updated, and I've added 7 members. I'm working on a layout that will be less... how do I say this? ... ghetto. ;)
July 2, 2004: New affiliate: Would you erase me? June 28, 2004: 2 new members.
June 27, 2004: 1 new member.
June 26, 2004: My email has been giving me problems lately. If you attempted to join in the last two weeks, please resubmit. Thanks!
Adaptation was a 2002 movie which won 2 Golden Globes (Meryl Streep, Chris Cooper) and 1 Academy Award (Chris Cooper, Best Supporting Actor). Written by Charlie Kaufman (and Donald Kaufman, who doesn't necessarily exist) and directed by Spike Jonze, this is a strange, exhilarating film about its own creation, about the search of several people for a consuming passion, about orchids and about the profound process called adaptation.